14 Most Common Cleaning Mistakes

14 Most Common Cleaning Mistakes

Whenever it comes to clean up, we certainly seem to want the cleanest house possible, attained in as little time as feasible. However, some powerful residential cleaning services might be side-tracking us all on our way to a clean and fresh home. Issues like missing to scrub our cleaning equipment (yeah sure, you could indeed clean your washer) or struggling to pre-soak dirty saucepans might cost us precious time. With the aim that our cleaning procedures would be accomplished as quickly and painlessly as possible so which we can think about moving onto the more crucial matters, there have been seven time-wasting cleaning errors to eliminate. Making a few small changes to your cleaning routines saves time and energy every week.

Nothing is worse than a whole week of scrubbing.   Having to spend an entire day of washing and eventually end up with a house that isn’t fresh — and possibly filthier than when you began! Here are ten effective cleaning blunders to prevent.

  • Not rinsing of your cleaning equipment :
    The washing machines and dishwashers are built to clean items, so they do not have to be washed, don’t they? It’s false! When you’re not washing your dishwasher on a regular basis, bits of food and stains will build up, causing an odd, acidic scent. If newly-washed dishes come out dirty, or your freshly-washed garments have a weird scent, it’s a sure-fire indication that you’ve forgotten to rinse this equipment. So rather than wasting valuable time (not to forget, water) running them through another wash cycle, clean the equipment to allow it to operate more effectively.
  • Cross-contamination
    Bacteria and viruses gladly take rides — on socks, damp rags, towels, and wet wipes, and the very last thing you need to do is use the same equipment to disinfect the kitchen you used for the shower. Gross! Use color-coded wipes to avoid cross-contamination from one room to another and wear reusable booties to ensure that they do not pass dirt or pathogens from house to house.
  • Use filthy Cleaning wipes
    If you scrub the kitchen cabinets and counters and wipe the window with a filthy rag (or the wrong type of fabric), let’s admit it, you ‘re not even doing something safe and clean. Not only would you unintentionally spread bacteria all over your home, but you might make glasses and windows even more streaky than you thought.


  • Missing the corners and nooks
    So whether you’re good at daily or monthly cleanup, there are bound to be dark corners that are frequently neglected. With time, these filthy little areas tend to host pests, molds, mildew growth, and several other stench-causing dirt.
  • Not pre-soaking dirty dishes
    When you’ve got kitchen utensils on the stove while you’re having dinner, you ‘re probably allowing the sauce and seasoning to be stuck in the pot. aWhen you’re done with your dinner, or when you see the utensils the next day, you’ll get to meet the cooked food, which will require a serious (read: time-consuming) cleaning. Not only the food gets dried, but the utensil also invites germs on its surface.
  • Forgetting to empty the vacuum cleaner
    The first thing you should be doing after you’re finished vacuuming the entire house is to empty the bag and clean the equipment, and if you don’t, you could be wasting your precious time later. If the vacuum bag is full to the brim with debris and the bristles are blocked with pet hair and fur, it probably wouldn’t operate the next time.
  • Failing to clean from top to bottom
    Think of the daily cleaning routine of the kitchen. Would you proceed by cleaning or wiping the space, cleaning the counter, and eventually dusting through the kitchen cabinets? If that is the case, you can find dirt and debris dropping on your newly cleaned surface by the time you’re finished. There’s a wiser choice out here. Skilled cleaning professionals suggest differently.  They begin at the point furthest from the entrance to the house and gradually return to the exit door to prevent dust and debris from piling on a sparkling clean surface. For about the same reason, they almost always work from highest to the lowest within quarters, taking down dirt and grime, and completing by cleaning the surfaces.
  • Not cleaning as you go
    Are you supposed to thoroughly clean as you take care of your chores, or would you choose to pile it all up for a huge cleaning workload over the weekend? Although there’s no smarter choice, and a crazy busy weekday routine could perhaps end up making the former choice more feasible for you, you ‘re going to save a lot of time if you clean the house when you’re still handling all the household chores. By the time weekend arrives, the marks would be settled in, the dust piles would be bigger, and the task will become more challenging.
  • Never act like an expert
    Establishing safe, effective cleaning products — dissolving and mixing with minerals and oils, floating bound substances in water, and removing them from surfaces without producing toxic chemical contaminants — is centered on advanced research. Using cheap, poorly designed items, non-absorbent cloths and wipes, and/or improper techniques, can merely mean cleaning debris and pollutants over surfaces instead of having to scrape them.
  • Failing to grasp and execute the directions
    All the advanced research that goes into developing effective and reliable cleaning methods goes straight out of the window when a person using a cleaner fail to adhere to both guidelines and warnings. A classic example is the inability to provide adequate time for disinfectants and antiseptics to eliminate maximum germs.
  • Make up your room daily as soon as you wake up
    Dust mites that prey on sweat and dead skin cells — and dies off during dry, dirty environments — appreciate it whenever you first make the bed every morning. It is best practice to keep the covers and bed sheets tidily turned down, and the window treatments completely open to enable full sunshine.
  • Washing the windows on a sunny day
    Bright sunlight causes the vision to blur, making it difficult to see tiny marks and lines on glass windows. Often, the sun’s heat could dry the windows easily, making it more challenging to handle streaking. Cloudy (flat-light) days are ideally suited for efficient window cleaning.
  • Using furniture polish
    Polishes make wooden surfaces shine when packed with scraping or coating, making the surface glossy and strongly glossy. These do not clean themselves, so — if these contain polymers (to cover up fingerprints)—they simply shield microbes, germs, and tiny food grains, which are a perfect breeding ground for further bacteria and viruses.
  • Not cleaning your toilet brush
    Like the soap, the toilet brush has dirty work to do and sucks several not-so-pleasing pathogens along the way. So be good to your toilet brush — it does the dirty deeds after all — so spare it from becoming an influenza virus trap by offering it a simple rinse in hot, soapy water and then leaving it to dry for at least ten minutes before putting it back.


Cleaning blunders are common, but they must be avoided at all costs. Therefore, you must note the most common cleaning mistakes that go unnoticed when one makes them. We Clean Bathrooms comes to the rescue with the residential and commercial house cleaning services. Feel free to call us at 984-344-7272 or visit our website.

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